October 2013 - Misc. Wanted

All Classified Ads

1967 to 1973 Greeves MX 250 cc to 380 cc challenger motor cycle wanted, to restore; Roger C. Bronn nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (Canby OR)

Boat transmission wanted: small planetary Paragon type; Dave Williams nnn-nnn-nnnn (Norco CA)

Drag saw blade wanted, 5' or 6', 6-1/2" center to center hole spacing; Larry Juneau nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (Reno NV)

Oliver 2 bottom plow model 78 wanted, 1915-1920's; Roland Bleitz nnn-nnn-nnnn or

xxxx@xxxx.xxx (Grants Pass OR)

Oliver cultivators wanted for Fleetline 77: tubes, clamps, shanks, etc; Tom Winterrowd nnn-nnn-nnnn (Canby OR)

Wanted: flat belt pulley 7" to 8" wide face, 14" to 24" diameter, bore machine able to 3" diameter; David Dee Brown nnn-nnn-nnnn (Portland OR)