Steam engines: Dad’s collection of 12 steam engines for sale. Nine Soule Steam Feed Works engines and three 2-cylinder steam engines used to run sawmill conveyors, similar to steam shovel crowder engines. All engines $500 each; Bill Walker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Mt Shasta CA)
Advance tandem compound engine for trade. It is probably a 14 hp, but likely an 18 hp, sn 3671. Please email for more pictures. Boiler needs to be replaced. This is Museum owned and we would like to trade for a respectable 1936 to 1947 Harley knucklehead motorcycle preferably unrestored. The Museum has 3 other steam traction engines that are operable and part of our permanent collection and don’t have the time or money to restore the Advance. A Harley knucklehead is the missing link in the evolution of motorcycle engine styles in our collection of over 70 vintage cycles. We are located in Polson, Montana, an hour south of Glacier National Park; Gil at nnn-nnn-nnnn or email (Polson MT)
Book encyclopedia of American Steam Engine. Large hard bound book in excellent condition, lots of pictures of steam traction, $35 shipped in lower 48, elsewhere is at cost; Robert Middleton nnn-nnn-nnnn or (Reno NV)