Carburetor to a 1923, 7hp head type Witte gas engine wanted; Bob Shields nnn-nnn-nnnn (Reno NV)
Delco Light plants wanted: Model 300 light plant wanted, it is similar in appearance to the larger 850 models, but is the smallest plant made by Delco and is a 16 volt DC unit. This is NOT a Little Joe. Prefer one in good condition with all parts present, but will consider any; also want a Model 600 or 601 light plant, this is the smallest of the 32 volt plants made by Delco; George Andreasen nnn-nnn-nnnn or (Alturas CA)
Fuel mixer- looking for a fuel mixer like the one photographed for a Fuller Johnson 3hp. Robert Ensley nnn-nnn-nnnn or eves nnn-nnn-nnnn (Homedale ID) [see picture]
Looking for a Reid oilfield engine in 12, 15, or 20hp in the Northwest that I can buy reasonable; Robert Ensley nnn-nnn-nnnn or eves nnn-nnn-nnnn (Homedale ID)