June 2018 - Misc. Wanted

All Classified Ads

Aeromotor open gear windmill wanted and open gear parts. Also want brake shoe for 10 foot Aeromotor windmill open gear part #B190; Tony Giefer nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lindsay CA)

Aeromotor open gear windmill wanted, complete or parts, any condition. Also want brake shoe for 10 ft Aeromotor open gear windmill part #B190. Aeromotor windmills that are rebuildable, such as new bearings, shafts, etc. and windmill parts. I need 6ft, 8ft, 10ft, and 12ft mills; Tony Giefer nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lindsay CA)

Atlas air compressor engine, type 0 wanted; Danny Ponce nnn-nnn-nnnn (Los Angeles CA)

Coin operated horse (or similar) wanted, similar to those in grocery stores in the 1960s and 1970s. Running or not. My granddaughter needs one; Eric Wright nnn-nnn-nnnn evenings (Red Bluff CA)

Combine wanted, John Deere pull type complete preferred; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)

Guns wanted, old rifles, Remington, Winchester, Sharps or ??; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)

Lathe, 17” or 21” x 80-120” Clausing Colchester lathe or lathe of similar size; Mike Cristler nnn-nnn-nnnn (Zamora CA)

Looking for old gas pumps, truck and tractor signs, any dealership items, any condition, any brand; Mark Willanger nnn-nnn-nnnn (Prescott WA)

Minneapolis Moline farm equipment, wheel disk, plow, cultivator, or ????; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)

Paint and prep wanted in Northwest for tractor restoration at reasonable rates; Tom Peterson nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (Corvallis OR)

Plow, any John Deere 3 pt. or pull plow 1-6 bottoms, 16 inch cut models, 22, 44, 55, 66 and newer; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)

Safety man basket for forklift wanted; Alan nnn-nnn-nnnn (Salem OR)

Tools, looking for old tools: woodworking planes, chisels, levels, etc. Also logging and machinist tools. Old unusual drill presses, small lathes, milling machines, etc; Mel Miller nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (Castle Rock WA)