English Crawley, rare, Petter diesel, only 200 made, one cylinder, worm drive, not running, $3500; Fred Alexis nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (LaGrande OR)
Gibson D2, 1948, Wisconsin 2 cylinder, 12 hp, like new tires, recent engine overhaul, comes with plow, spring and disc, all Gibson, new belts, $2250 obo; Glen Carrigan nnn-nnn-nnnn (Moses Lake WA) [see picture]
Gibson, 3 with front blade, one early model, Wisconsin 3x3-1/4, 2 later models, Kohler 12 hp & Wisconsin AEH3x3-1/4; Lorry Dunning nnn-nnn-nnnn (Davis CA)
Gibson, tiller steering, front blade, not running; Fred Alexis nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (LaGrande OR)
Gilson 16 hp garden tractor, 1974, hydrostatic. Have parts for Gilson variable speed of the same vintage, ran when parked; Ray Chrispens nnn-nnn-nnnn (Terra Bella CA)
Howard Gem Rotovator attachments wanted for orange painted walk behind rototillers from England. Looking for a furrow cover, power take off, soil shredder, hilling plough, pick tines, land wheels, all steel wheels that have tracks, no rubber tires, and parts machines; Ron Schillage nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (San Jose CA)
John Deere 110 riding mower, 1966, with mower deck and metal tractor seat, round steel fenders, original tires and all other parts. Prime candidate for restoration or play with it as is. Mows and works fine. Needs new battery. Engine is original Kohler K181 18 hp. Rebuilt starter/generator, photos on request, $400; Dave Wirth nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (Walla Walla WA)
Lincoln, worm drive, not running; Fred Alexis nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (LaGrande OR)
RideMaster, 2 available, 1 runs with 8 hp Honda engine, 1 FMC model A, no engine; Lorry Dunning nnn-nnn-nnnn (Davis CA)
Vaughan Flex-Tred, made in Portland OR, has been restored; Fred Alexis nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (LaGrande OR)
Walker Grass Handling System riding mowers, 2 available, 11 hp Briggs & Stratton. Craftsman II riding mowers, 2 available, 12 hp, 5 speed, 38 inch. Montgomery Ward riding mower, Briggs & Stratton engine, 11 hp, 38 inch. Gravely commercial 10A mower, 29 inch. The Ceinton mower, Clinton engine, sickle bar missing. Trimmer-Home model, 3 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, Trimmer Lawn Mower Co. Los Angeles. Yazoo Master Mower, big wheel walk behind, 5 hp Briggs & Stratton, 22 inch; Lorry Dunning nnn-nnn-nnnn (Davis CA)
Wanted: Gibson tractors with blade and complete AEH engine. Running or not; Dave Pearsall nnn-nnn-nnnn or xxxx@xxxx.xxx (Olympia WA)
Wanted: John Deere 43C center grader blade for JD 140. Most all conditions will be considered; Lance nnn-nnn-nnnn (Sebastopol CA)
Wanted: John Deere model 42 hydraulic tiller to fit JD 425 tractor. Rototiller must be complete with pump assembly and hoses; Lance nnn-nnn-nnnn (Sebastopol CA)
Wanted: Minneapolis Moline, Ford, Jacobsen Chiefs garden tractor with 10-14 hp Kohler engines; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)