March 2019 - Misc. Wanted

All Classified Ads

Belt powered rock crusher, somewhere around 3’x3’x4’, possibly from a small one man gold panning operation; Pat Sorensen nnn-nnn-nnnn (San Ramon CA)

Blower forge, old fashioned; Ray nnn-nnn-nnnn or (Corvallis OR)

Corn binder, ground driven; Dave Gallant nnn-nnn-nnnn (Boring OR)

Guns: Old rifles Remington, Winchester, Sharps or ??; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)

Informal conversation with an informed collector of optional equipment for a Farmall Cub tractor. Have a rare multi row planter 474 seeder, can be configured to seed 1-4 rows; Mike nnn-nnn-nnnn (Puyallup WA)

Manuals for Wisconsin AC-4, AM-4 and AP-4; Buck Evans nnn-nnn-nnnn (Greenville IL)

Plow: any John Deere 3pt or pull plow 1-6 bottoms, 16 inch cut, models: 22, 44, 55, 66 and newer; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)

Shop manual or owners manual for the 4 cylinder Harris combine engine, original or photocopy will be okay. Restoring a 45 hp engine and could use any helpful information I can get about the engines; George Best nnn-nnn-nnnn (Beaverton OR)