Case plow shares, 14-inch, three bolt, or information as to where they can be purchased, Myron Sonne nnn-nnn-nnnn (Letcher SD)
Guns: Old rifles, Remington, Winchester, Sharps or ??; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)
International Gear Drive Daisy Reaper, manufactured 1909-1924, museum looking for the following parts: Guard with LB1 casting number or ledger plates with I21 with rivets, knife clips with L39 and owner/operator manual; Owyhee County Historical Museum Erics Garsvo nnn-nnn-nnnn or Robert Schaffer nnn-nnn-nnnn (Murphy ID)
Light up neon clocks, any condition; Mark nnn-nnn-nnnn (Prescott WA)
Magneto test equipment, spark tester, etc.; Jim Barratt nnn-nnn-nnnn or (Camas WA)
Minneapolis Moline farm equipment, wheel disc, plow, cultivator, or ????; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)
Plow: any John Deere 3pt or pull plow, one to six bottoms, 16-inch cut, models 22, 44, 55, 66 and newer; Mark Parker nnn-nnn-nnnn (Lebanon OR)
Ripper assembly for John Deere 440, must be complete, to replace the winch assembly, close to Reno?; Marvin Reed nnn-nnn-nnnn (Reno NV)